Dominique Tan

Lompoc, CA, United States

Pilates & Wellness Coach. Building my on-demand membership so I can travel & teach Pilates.

Jul 17 at 11:52 PM

Jul 17 at 11:52 PM

Thank you! I follow her on Insta so it’s nice to have a recommendation from someone who’s worked with her


Jul 15 at 09:24 PM

I'll follow up with support, thank you!


Jul 14 at 03:37 PM

Hi! I've been trouble making adding my newletter sign-up with ConvertKit to my SquareSpace website. I know that the extra space is a problem with SquareSpace- does anyone have any tips to make it look better?

I wanted to add the newletter sign-up to the top of my link in bio page but the spacing looks awful. 


Jul 13 at 09:30 PM

Thank you! 


Jul 13 at 08:52 PM

Do you have a dress code for clients? How do you phrase it?

I'm updating my client confirmation emails and with the warmer weather I've had a few male clients who seem uncomfortable wearing shorts during certain exercises. (Also the 75 yr old who doesn't seem to realize that running shorts aren't appropriate IYKYK 👀)



Jul 12 at 11:47 AM

Updating CRM emails:
Is it better to update in the scheduling system or using Zaps and email? For example, with a membership cancellation the email can be updated email in Arketa or I could create an email sequence with ConvertKit. I don’t want clients to get too many emails and know it would look better through my email provider (plus have the potential for a win back)


Jul 12 at 11:42 AM

Hi, I see that was a confusing question. When a Reel is posted on Instagram but gets watched on Facebook, does it still link back to my Instagram account?

Jul 11 at 11:02 AM

The Nespresso example stuck with me too! I think it would be marketing that the 20% off was the equivielent of 2 months (or whatever it works out to be) free. Almost a 6 months for the price of 4 wording.

Jul 10 at 08:06 PM

Rachel & Stephanie thank you for your responses! I was direct and said that the evening class wasn’t working for me and the owner was very understanding. I really appreciate the guidance and it ended up going the best that it could :)