July 11

I hope this isn't rambling. But something Alexa said resonated with me. About her trip to Nespresso where they offered to buy 5 sleeves of coffee and give her 2...this is far more attractive than if they did the math of what that actual % is...people just don't think like that. Ok so if you are with me this far. As part of a corporate franchise we do 3 sales a year: summer, winter and our anniversary. The guidance for an annual paid in full membership is 20% off our HIGHEST rate. Note: a lot of us have discounts for 6 month contracts when they lock in for 6 months but can still pay monthly. It seems we need to be taking discounts off our 6 month rate because why would anyone lock into a year of something, giving over $1k up front to get a savings of barely one month for free (going back to the original Nespresso example). I'd love to be able to use the Nespresso wording because I think it gets people over the line with that verbiage but not if the discount is worth it. So my question is - what do you do for paid in full memberships? I've already had too much coffee I think ;)