Megan Quinn | @mq_moveconnect

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Jul 22 at 02:15 PM

this is so good and so sweet! i wonder if there's something unique to him that you could get - a prop he loves that he could use at home? something inspired by the work you've been doing together or how he feels now? like a piece of art or a key chain? I got individualized candles for people this year and that was received really well. 

Jul 22 at 02:11 PM

I feel like i've been in a good flow posting to IG in ways that feel aligned for my business values so I'm excited to keep doing that. I'm always towards a big shift coming up and excited to create communications that feel full of generosity and creativity! 

Jul 15 at 01:48 PM

@mq_moveconnect - I'm a pilates teacher in philly and I also run seasonal virtual movement and reflection series! 


Jul 15 at 01:47 PM


here's where we can find that option, it's in the browser account settings :)



Jul 10 at 03:59 PM

Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness have you seen the new zoom feature where you can personalize the waiting room?!? feels like an opportunity for branding and hospitality! 


Jul 02 at 10:45 PM

Seconding Dominique! Have them schedule their next sessions before you leave. I love the idea of offering them a write up of familiar exercises or even a video to do at home while you’re gone.

Also just want to say - it’s so smart that you’re asking this question. and! if they’re already tried and true I feel confident that they’ll be back :) three weeks might feel like a lot but missing their sessions in their weeks will just remind them how much they love you!


Jul 02 at 10:37 PM

Mandee |@santoshapilates yes yes I’m pretty sure I’m switching over just wanting to make sure I’ve evaluated alllll the options haha. I got really used to acuity and Alexa and I were geeking out on the subscription package options (access to videos and a certain number of private sessions for one rate) there when I first started thinking about on demand haha.

Allie Myszka it doessss look like the video hosting feature is a website feature. I almost thought we could just use the website as the video platform and not switch our other websites over. But no idea what the added cost would be/if it’s worth it

Jun 27 at 04:00 PM

I’m currently on acuity and considering switching entirely to arketa!


Jun 27 at 10:11 AM

(also not sure if i should have found previous convos about video libraries to keep it all in one place? Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness i know you were excited about not having repeat conversations!!) 


Jun 27 at 10:10 AM

does anyone use the squarespace video hosting feature?? Allie Myszka  Did you see that we could host videos via squarespace that would be associated with our acuity accounts? I haven't looked into pricing or features very far but maybe this is a way to not have both acuity and arketa?!