Mandee |@santoshapilates

Portland, OR, United States

Sep 10 at 11:56 PM

Haha! I didn’t really make an announcement, so you’re good! But the cat is out of the bag now! Thank you!!

Sep 10 at 09:52 PM

For me, they give me their personal info upon booking the session (name, DOB, address, agree to waiver). I use Arketa. It also has the capability to attach a form that’s tracked within the dashboard but I prefer to send new clients a short form within my website (squarespace). It asks about injuries and history etc, pertinent to Pilates. This automatically emails me, and then I save it in their client Google doc which is where I keep client notes.

Aug 28 at 09:57 AM

Hi Katie! I just wanted to point out that monthly fee for momence is so much higher than Arketa’s $29/month + fees so for a home studio with one person like she is, it’s actually more affordable to go that route until one pulls in close to 10K months which of course could be happening (and great goal!) but when I was first starting out in my home studio, it made way more sense and cost less overall. The Momence $60 plan does not include on demand or many of the other features that Arketa does and I was quoted a much higher monthly fee for Momence for what I needed. If you hear otherwise please let me know but it’s sort of a math game at looking at what actually ends up costing more- the higher monthly fees or the 3%, based on the overall income, and for home studio it’s going to balance differently. I think for you, with a studio expansion etc, something else absolutely makes sense!!


Aug 28 at 09:45 AM

Thank you for this! I got invited to a mini two night yoga retreat for Instructors who facilitate retreats. I’ll be able to see two venues at the coast and experience them as a participant but with a group of other Instructors and also see if I want to use these venues in the future for my retreats. I’m so excited for this little fun (free) experience that is also ‘work’! In fact I’m pinching myself :) I am also going to stay long on the last day and get a ton of work done on my computer in a serene setting- finish some automations and prep for my day retreat that is soon!

Aug 19 at 11:21 AM

Also, I'm just sitting here on a Monday morning in so much gratitude that as a solopreneur I can reach out to one of my business besties with a work tech question and they come through with the answer! How cool and best perks of the TFS! 

Aug 19 at 11:19 AM

ooo good call Melyssa, I didn't even see that about Timestamp. I already had it set up in rows so I just changed this and will watch what happens later this week when I post! Thank you thank you! 



Aug 18 at 04:26 PM

Melyssa | @melyssa_with_a_why hey girl on one of the calls recently you made a Zapier that pulled your IG captions to a google sheet- I’m doing that too! Do you know if we can get the date put into the google sheet to? Mine just creates a new column each time I post. Thank you!!


Aug 17 at 06:53 PM

Maria Higgins I’m so glad it’s working for your husband. I just enrolled and might wait to pull on it for a month or two to get more vested, and also since it’s just a 1% pay in, and it covers so many types of leave, I’ll probably stay paid in just in case other stuff comes up throughout life! I think my taxable income will go up too- I’ve had a ton of legal and equipment expenses in the first years of owning my space that may not be as large going forward. But there are SO many write offs like fees, insurance, my home mortgage (since my studio is on the property I own) literally so many large items it really is nuts how it affected this but oh well!


Aug 17 at 12:34 AM

Aw thank you, I wish that would work for me. With all write offs and expenses and the way Oregon calculates that for the self employed, my paid leave would be less than $65/week if I was paid in for 15 months ahead of time (which I’m not). It’s so sad the way it doesn’t really help the self employed who are savvy with taxes (like I’m sure most self employed/their accountants are because it is beneficial!) If it took into account my actual income it would have been nice!

Aug 08 at 04:43 PM

Hi! I also turn the card fee off, absorb it and have my rates higher with an annual increase. Paying a card fee really leaves a bad taste in my mouth when it happens to be so I wanted to avoid that with any clients! I am with you on how it takes more time to take cash from clients and want to avoid that too before it becomes unmanageable.
