Megan Quinn | @mq_moveconnect

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Sep 18 at 06:44 PM

Hey Rachel, I struggle with my own version of this so definitely empathizing with you.

Someone said this to me recently and I thought it was really helpful - there is infinite healing needed in the world. Including in pelvic health! Like maybe every single human in your area needs a pelvic health expert 🤣

Aug 29 at 05:17 PM

Mandee!!! So pinchable. Enjoy 💚


Aug 26 at 09:39 PM

i'm in newly launched on demand library world too!! yay! 


Aug 26 at 09:38 PM

I start my new space rental september 1st! doing a little ritual celebration this week 💫


Aug 06 at 06:26 PM

ok, amazing! reformer and cadillac - and she's excited about the equipment so that's definitely part of my questions. thank you so much for being available - whats the best way to connect offline? 


Aug 06 at 12:50 PM

hey pilates folks, anyone have substantial experience working with folks with amputations? I was referred a potential client with multiple and I want to make sure I'm set up to support them well. I'm happy to pay you for a consult! 


Aug 06 at 12:11 PM

Christina, I don’t have anything logistically helpful to say here except I just feel called to send you a cool breeze and a hand on your back. This sounds awful and violating. Sending prayers and spells for your protection and a quick release of this dynamic!!

Jul 28 at 04:55 PM

omg I am IN! literally texting clients to move sessions around rn. 


Jul 23 at 08:38 PM

Socks cute!!

Jul 23 at 08:36 PM

Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness thank you SO much! Your cheerleading always feels like a magic spell to me!