Jocelyn | @Studio7Pilates_KC

Kansas City, MO, United States

Jul 03 at 03:04 PM

Same! I frequently send texts to people directly. Verbiage varies depending on who it is but it’s usually “I haven’t seen you in awhile and was thinking of you, hope all is well” if I don’t know them that well to “where have you been? I have a spot at 7 tomorrow, get your ass to my class, I miss your face!” 😂


Jul 02 at 07:11 PM

Jun 30 at 01:37 PM

Melyssa I am almost 47yo and got diagnosed 3 months ago 😂You’re not alone! Paper calendar saves me.


Jun 29 at 03:55 PM

Following! Recently started low dosage of Vivance and that plus having a paper calendar that has plenty of spaces for me to make notes has been the best for me. I also carry around different colored file folders that are labeled correctly so I can keep my stacks of papers organized.

And finally, I ordered an envelope sorter from Amazon that holds all my mail, bills, etc for the month - it’s clear and ascends so I can see all the folders, and I file “need to deal with”, personal, studio, and random. I pay everything via auto pay or the minute it comes in the mail, then file it correctly. At the end of each month, I move the contents from each file into my office to file accordingly. It’s a constant struggle for me. I feel like this isn’t the most efficient use of my time but it’s the only way shit gets done!

Jun 17 at 11:40 PM

Jenn Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness thank you!!! I’m nervous because we had literally only met her twice, but I feel like something is better than nothing in this situation.

Jun 13 at 12:36 PM

Literally so excited for this as it’s the absolute perfect timing for me - my admin just started and I’ve been struggling with organizing for her and for myself, so this will be so easy for the two of us to manage!!! 🤍

I can identify with not doing anything small scale as well 😂

Jun 11 at 09:42 PM

I have used balanced body studio reformers and peak, and BB studio reformers are my favorite hands down.


Jun 11 at 09:38 PM

SO EXCITING, congratulations!!!

Jun 11 at 06:10 PM

I mean, it got me! What’s the news?!?! 😂


Jun 11 at 06:04 PM
