Jocelyn | @Studio7Pilates_KC

Kansas City, MO, United States

Sep 10 at 11:11 PM

Wait, you’re pregnant?! Awe congratulations! 🤍

(Somehow I missed that, sorry!!)

Aug 29 at 12:46 PM

I’ve done favorite exercise, why did you become an instructor, favorite class to teach, most challenging exercise.

I also asked guilty pleasures, what would you do if you won a million dollars, dream vacation and they hated those questions and thought they were cheesy 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Aug 20 at 05:40 PM

Hi! We’re going Friday morning sometime, I’ll send you a DM but my brother/bil live in St. Paul! We have to meet up if we can!

Aug 08 at 10:47 AM

Tricia scheeler I would raise rates instead. Having the business require fees paid by the customer could leave a poor taste in their mouth, but if someone raises rates that’s typical. I’ve had this discussion at length and a regular rate increase per year is what Alexa has always said, so we’re implementing that every January.


Aug 06 at 07:20 PM

Megan Quinn | @mq_moveconnect amazing! Shoot me an email and we can figure out the logistics!

Aug 06 at 04:22 PM

I have, are they doing Mat with you? Or do you have a Reformer or Cadillac? I’m also a PTA and work with amputees at a rehab hospital.

Jul 28 at 10:09 PM

LOVE that you’re finally able to take that one day off, it’s been a game changer for me!


Jul 28 at 10:08 PM

Ashley Liberty you’re welcome! We do pour so much of ourselves in but we also have to remember to take care of ourselves first; the “put your oxygen mask on first” lives on repeat in my head. I love that you have the calling to pull back on teaching - being present but not teaching could be reframed as a way to audit your business? You’re there but you’re focused on the customer experience, refining your message, etc.

And no shame, ever. We do what we do because we care and we’re good at it; social media is both wonderful and not, so maybe step back from that, too. Get back in touch with your “why” and let that lead you, and coming back to this community is always a yes thing to do. 🤍

Jul 28 at 07:22 PM

Hi! I’m sorry you’re feeling this but you are not alone - any or all of the following is what I’ve implemented, this is long but all of these have helped me in the last few years:

- a standing no clients day - this is used for ME days, or admin. Usually a bit of both. Helps me not overload myself.

- maybe over this coming Labor Day weekend take a staycation. Or getaway? Close on Monday and use that for you? Sometimes stepping away is the best creative refresh we can find.

- gift yourself a massage, facial, some pampering from your business once a quarter - a stressed, burnt out owner does nothing for the business

- blinders in terms of social media. Doing what you do without trying to compare yourself to others helps. I’ve had to limit how much I digest in my own industry and focus on what has made my teaching special.

- what modality do you teach? Maybe you need to try some movement for you that is a different modality? I teach Pilates. Two years ago I joined a gym and started lifting. I’ve never lifted before, so learning something new that also helps me physically and mentally and has me supporting a business that aligns with my values has been a HUGE boost to everything.

Hope some of these help you!

Jul 23 at 04:29 PM

Thank you!
