Social Media Plan Add-On Update 🤳

The fact that I thought I could do literally anything low-key is hilarious. I literally planned this as like, cool, I'll send a simple flodesk email with high-converting prompts each month. Then I started planning the prompts, and realizing what I truly love is workshopping the prompts for all of your different businesses, workshopping the captions, and low and behold, the social media add on is now a monthly deck delivery, a pre-recorded loom video of me going through each one, linked examples from public & from members, and more. 

Anyway... if you opted in, you'll see the bundle in your app tomorrow, and you'll get the email with the 10 bonus evergreen prompts! I decided I'm going to use these 10 for June and see what happens :) Join me!! Here's an example for everyone so you can see a little of what the monthly delivery will be like. 

If you sent me an email that you'd like to add this on to your membership, I got you! I'll update your subscriptions tomorrow! If you're monthly, you'll see the charge on your next bill. Instead of $58, it'll be $98. If you're annual and selected annual, it'll charge as a separate $400 charge (2 months complimentary)! Yes, you can take off the social add-on at any point and remain with your membership in tact!