Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness

New York, NY, United States

Generator, Libra, Dog-obsessed. Thrives in 72 & sunny, highly preferably in beach area ⛅️.


Jun 17 at 10:58 AM

MON Sept 16, 10:00am EST
14 %
MON Sept 16, 2:00pm EST
39 %
MON Sept 16, 4:00pm EST
39 %
WEDS Sept 18, 11:00am EST
14 %
WEDS Sept 18, 1:30pm EST
39 %
28 votes


Jun 17 at 10:56 AM

TUES Sept 3, 12:30pm EST
24 %
TUES Sept 3, 1:30pm EST
45 %
WEDS Sept 4, 11:30am EST
27 %
WEDS Sept 4, 4:00pm EST
27 %
33 votes


Jun 17 at 10:52 AM

Aug 19, 2:00pm EST
56 %
Aug 21, 11:00am EST
20 %
Aug 21, 1:30pm EST
24 %
Aug 22, 12:30pm EST
20 %
25 votes


Jun 17 at 10:51 AM

Aug 5, 10:00am EST
13 %
Aug 5, 4:00pm EST
50 %
Aug 6, 1:00pm EST
33 %
Aug 7, 1:30pm EST
21 %
24 votes


Jun 17 at 10:49 AM

July 29, 12:00pm EST
30 %
July 29, 1:00pm EST
44 %
July 30, 3;00pm EST
52 %
27 votes


Jun 17 at 10:47 AM

July 10, 1:30pm EST
41 %
July 10, 5:00pm EST
30 %
July 11, 11:30am EST
19 %
July 11, 5:00pm EST
11 %
27 votes


Jun 16 at 12:39 PM

Sharing a social prompt to replicate — I had someone ask me a bunch of questions about the membership recently on social, and one I actually really enjoyed was “do you have any metrics on growth you can share”. I said obviously I can’t share private info, but she can feel free to take a look at any of the testimonials on my social or website. Just goes to show as often as we think we’re sharing, some people still like to be shown directly and personally! That, coupled with Stephanie Comella shared a frame on a reel recently that said something to the effect of “does it really work”, and I thought a prompt to address skepticism head on would be fun! So here’s how I’m doing it (see pics).

Going to do a carousel of 10 testimonials addressing her direct Q, with a slide at the end on the membership / the low cost / etc.

This is in the June bonus prompts, but sharing it for everyone since this is a new add-on!
Reminder you can add the $40 monthly social media plan onto your membership whenever you want! Just message or email me to add it - that way it’s all in one subscription and cleaner for our brains lol ♥️



Jun 12 at 09:02 PM

Social Media Plan Add-On Update 🤳

The fact that I thought I could do literally anything low-key is hilarious. I literally planned this as like, cool, I'll send a simple flodesk email with high-converting prompts each month. Then I started planning the prompts, and realizing what I truly love is workshopping the prompts for all of your different businesses, workshopping the captions, and low and behold, the social media add on is now a monthly deck delivery, a pre-recorded loom video of me going through each one, linked examples from public & from members, and more. 

Anyway... if you opted in, you'll see the bundle in your app tomorrow, and you'll get the email with the 10 bonus evergreen prompts! I decided I'm going to use these 10 for June and see what happens :) Join me!! Here's an example for everyone so you can see a little of what the monthly delivery will be like. 

If you sent me an email that you'd like to add this on to your membership, I got you! I'll update your subscriptions tomorrow! If you're monthly, you'll see the charge on your next bill. Instead of $58, it'll be $98. If you're annual and selected annual, it'll charge as a separate $400 charge (2 months complimentary)! Yes, you can take off the social add-on at any point and remain with your membership in tact!



Jun 10 at 11:49 AM

YOUR BUSINESS IS A PARTY 🎉🎵🎂 (training tomorrow!)

As we start our month of client appreciation in tomorrow's main training, something I'd love us all to start thinking about is how we're leaning in to our business as a party. Hear me out -- there are some parties that you cannot wait to get invited to again, and there are some that you keep glancing at your watch, wondering when it's acceptable to leave... fantasizing about crawling out the window before you have to make small talk with one.more.person. 

Your retention rates are the biggest indicator of your business's health - and how fun your party really is. Fun = effective, warm, inviting, easy to navigate, easy to book, happy to return. 

Client recognition is a huge component to retention, and tomorrow we'll focus on:

  • Early client milestones

  • Loyal client milestones

  • community enrollment to help you reach new clients, encourage higher frequency, and feel truly at ease and stable in your business. 

Tomorrow's call is right here. Can't wait to see you!! 



Jun 06 at 05:07 PM

For those who do sliding scale pricing, stripe now has that option!