Sara Habetz

New Orleans, LA, United States


Aug 12 at 10:46 PM

I have a new member who recently joined as a 12month Unlimited member.  Came to about 15 classes in her first month.  When her second billing cycle rolled around, her card declined.  Went through the natural steps and she mentioned this is "no longer for her and she wants to cancel her membership".  Our policy states you owe 50% of the remaining balance, which she was aware of before joining, but she was not having it.  Her card processed a few days later, but we are running into this issue again going on her 3rd month and she reached out again saying she wants to cancel, penalty free.  I've graciously offered a tier lower to downgrade, but have not heard back from her (yet). I most certainly do not want to let her off the hook, but she's delaying payment, not coming to classes, and is becoming a pain in my butt :) 

Any advice on how to best navigate this situation?