Taylor Spaw

Uniontown, PA, United States

Aug 30 at 02:32 PM

Omg I LOVE THIS IDEA! Love Strengths. Honestly I love both and you could test what your followers engage with. If you love the sleek look and it’s easy to replicate see how they respond and if it isn’t engaging enough switch it up! You could always do one for posts and another for stories! Seriously loving this idea!

Aug 30 at 02:29 PM


Starting to offer mat Pilates classes in October so we are preparing!!


Aug 24 at 02:00 PM

Beth Adas an icon. I needed to hear this.


Aug 24 at 01:58 PM

Beth Adas we have an automation set up in our marketing suite that sends them a text and they get an automated email saying their membership has declined as well. Those repeat offenders don’t seem to care though…..


Aug 24 at 01:57 PM

Mariana Tek has its own marketing suite and we do have an automation set up to send them a text when their card needs updated, but for those repeat offenders who (in most cases) don’t have the funds month to month, they don’t really care to pay much attention to the text. 🥲

Aug 24 at 01:56 PM

We use Mariana Tek! It’s wonderful with not letting them book any future classes while in default. And once their card does clear charges it does get caught up which is nice but you definitely have inspired me to implement a fee!!


Aug 12 at 02:23 PM

Do you have a late payment fee?

Our memberships are set to bill upon purchase date. Clients can book their classes on a rolling 30 day schedule. (This works for our studio/instructors schedules and not something that we are able to change at this time)
We are running into an issue with 2-3 clients where they are religiously late to pay for their membership but can attend classes if they have them booked prior to their auto bill declining. Their card will decline for 2-3 weeks at a time. I’m wondering if I should put a “account will be frozen after XX days” rule into effect or “$XX amount will be billed” if not paid on time.

Has anyone experienced anything like this?


Aug 08 at 09:20 PM

You’re welcome !!

Aug 07 at 11:55 PM


Jul 08 at 02:37 PM

Rachel Olivia what is your studios name?! ❤️