Rachel Jerozal

Durham, NC, United States

Pelvic Health Physical Therapist & Pilates Instructor

Sep 14 at 05:31 PM

Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness Thank you so much for your response! Definitely a lot of great insights to think about.

Because of my specific profession (I’m a Pelvic PT), usually a patient would not work with 2 providers. It’s not like someone going to 2 different fitness studios, which happens all the time, but instead like someone going to 2 different neurologists, which would typically only happen when the patient is unhappy with the first dr and is seeking a second opinion.

So it does feel like “if that patient goes to a competitor, they are not coming to me” which is what I struggle with. But I’m definitely trying to lean more into the idea that my ideal clients will find me and if they go to another provider, then they may not be the best fit for me.


Sep 12 at 06:22 PM

Hi Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness
I saw your IG post about abundance mindset and I’m here for that message!
Something that I struggle with is abundance mindset when it comes to competitors. Do you have any tips for how to let it go when there are so many competitors who are doing the same thing as you? I know that everybody’s slightly different but there are a lot of other skilled practitioners in my area who would also provide a great customer experience.
Thank you! 💜


Aug 11 at 06:09 PM

I love Novo. It’s strictly an online checking account but no fees and it allows me to split up income into different categories which is awesome because I follow the profit first method (owners draw, taxes, operating expenses, profit). So everything that comes in gets automatically divided into percentages I set. Helps me keep track. I have a referral code if you’re interested! I’m not a salesperson for them or anything but it does give you $40 if you recruit someone new lol. But I really do like them because of the above reasons.

Aug 01 at 10:34 PM

Ugh so sorry this is happening to you! Google is notoriously difficult to get a hold of, I had an issue with my Google Workspace and it was terrible trying to connect with someone. I’m sorry I don’t have any helpful advice, just wanted to offer you my sympathies and solidarity! Hang in there. 💜


Jul 16 at 01:40 PM

I work with Lex Lancaster on SEO and she does a ton with both SS and ConvertKit so she may be able to help!

Jun 25 at 09:07 PM

Brooke Armstrong Tracy Sher is one of the OG Pelvic PTs and she’s right in Orlando.


Otherwise, I don’t know anyone there.

Claire Sparrow Are you a Pelvic PT too?? Where are you located? I’m in Durham NC. I just joined this mentorship and would love to connect with other PTs here!