Jean Madison

Salt Lake City, UT, United States


Aug 30 at 12:03 PM

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Looking for opinions!!
I’m starting a strengths series where every week I highlight a dif Clifton strength and how to utilize it as entrepreneurs, small biz employees, corporate employees, or people exploring what they want to do (I’m a life & career coach.)

Visually, do you like the sleek simple look below, or are you more drawn to photo backgrounds w notes screenshots (like Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness does occasionally)? Or another idea??

I love the simple, but I don’t feel like it makes you want to scroll? But I also need something I can easily replicate every week… help!!



Jul 22 at 03:05 PM

I wanted to share a lovely customer service thing I experienced today that I feel this group would love to implement (if you don’t already)

I had a facial scheduled for noon, at 830 this morning I got a text from the business that they were without power and preemptively moving everyone’s appointments back 15 min. Then I got another text at 11:15 that they were running 40min behind.

I know thay solopreneurs doing 1:1s may not always be able to do this, but having a 7mo old that I was organizing care for, it meant a lot to me to not be sitting in their lobby for an extra 40min on top of the hour appt and the 40min of driving both ways.

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone here but I 1000% would rather know you’re running late and adjust my schedule than show up and wait for more than 10MIN.

It just made me feel like my time was important to them and I felt taken care of.



Jul 13 at 01:29 PM

Does anyone like really enjoy coming up with swag/gift ideas? I’d love to do a hat like Alexa’s but it is not my strength to think about what to put on it — so if any of you LOVE coming up w those ideas, lemme know.
Happy to offer support in return in another area to you!!



Jul 12 at 08:05 PM

Hey! I know that some people mentioned speaking as part of their Q3 goals… curious is anyone has recommended resources etc for pitching to conferences/companies etc. even like speaking coaches? Thanks in advance!



Jun 07 at 05:55 PM

Hey everyone - reposting this here because I posted on slack around the day we transitioned to the app 😅

If you’re part of TFSM you may remember the strengths workshop I did in 2023.. (if not - go check it out!). Well, I'm piloting a new offering based on that workshop with small business owners specifically in mind - the Strengths & Strategy Container!

This is perfect if you did the workshop (or want to!) and have found that after the initial inspiration & energy surrounding strengths faded — you weren’t really sure what to do next, and you feel like you could move further, faster, with less resistance if you had some help understanding your individual strengths more deeply, and more structure for how to turn your strengths into action for your life & business.

This offering is an opportunity to connect quarterly to review your individual strengths, identify where your need support, set goals, and build strategies for success.

If this sounds interesting to you, I have a few spots open starting this month at a discounted price for the pilot! My discovery calls are free and my calendar is open to see if it's a good fit. If you want some more background/details you can check out this email I sent to my list in May - or message me with questions!

Email -

Schedule discovery call -

The Details: 
12 Month Container with deep dive sessions on strengths & intentional goals to kick-off, and 2-3hr sessions quarterly to check-in and improve goals, actions and intentions. 
Session Breakdown: 
- Whole Human Strengths Session [Kick-off]: Review of your CliftonStrengths® 34 Report, Deep dive into your strengths, how they show up for you, and understanding how to lean into & support your strengths over time. 

- Intentional Goal Setting Session: Setting Intentions and goals for the coming year, broken down by quarters and into intentional actions based on your strengths. 

- Quarterly Deep Dive Check-in's: Review Progress to Goals, modify goals as necessary, review current challenges and barriers and understand how strengths can support and improve your outcomes.



Jun 06 at 12:30 PM

I put a question box up to ask what questions people had about strengths and didn’t get much… and my brain is a bit too fried to put myself in other peoples shoes right now — so I asked ChatGPT to give me some FAQs about CliftonStrengths and added the questions to my own question box that I will answer later today.

If you’re stuck, or not getting a lot of engagement on your q boxes - may I suggest AI?? Haha