July 22

I wanted to share a lovely customer service thing I experienced today that I feel this group would love to implement (if you don’t already)

I had a facial scheduled for noon, at 830 this morning I got a text from the business that they were without power and preemptively moving everyone’s appointments back 15 min. Then I got another text at 11:15 that they were running 40min behind.

I know thay solopreneurs doing 1:1s may not always be able to do this, but having a 7mo old that I was organizing care for, it meant a lot to me to not be sitting in their lobby for an extra 40min on top of the hour appt and the 40min of driving both ways.

I know this doesn’t apply to everyone here but I 1000% would rather know you’re running late and adjust my schedule than show up and wait for more than 10MIN.

It just made me feel like my time was important to them and I felt taken care of.