Allie Myszka

Franklin, TN, United States

Sep 07 at 02:45 PM

So I’m trying to get my name off the branding in the event that I want to start hiring other instructors soon… I’ve been chewing on it and think I’m going to call it Havenwell! Havenwell Online, Havenwell Studio for physical location… etc.

Thanks for your input!! All this got me thinking.


Sep 05 at 01:51 PM

Carly M Kennedy I like that… and you’ve got me thinking I may need to drop the “studio” because this new chapter of my business will be heavily online-focused and I’m realizing “studio” feels location specific now that you say this! Hmm. Thank you for the idea!

Jul 20 at 11:44 PM

Jul 18 at 07:24 PM

Right, but I think they require some coding, but in all my research I haven’t found a clear answer on whether I could get away with no custom code/app because that’s a little more than I bargained for 🤣🤣 I was hoping someone here might have had firsthand experience to tell me just how tech-y I’d have to get because this gal is not about that extra code life hahaha

Jul 01 at 03:05 PM

Mandee |@santoshapilates Megan and I chatted before about Acuity vs Arketa, and we both were kind of in a spot where we really love the features Acuity offers, some of which Arketa doesn't have (bummer). And for me, the Arketa fees on top of a membership AND CC processing fees was a big turn-off. 

Do you have to have a squarespace website to use the video feature? I'm not finding anything on it from a quick Google search 

Jun 27 at 03:58 PM

Ummmm what!! I need to look into this!

Jun 27 at 03:57 PM

So glad it helped! It took me a hot minute to find it the first time too.


Jun 19 at 03:30 PM

Go to your "audience" tab and find the subscriber, and then click on their email, then click "segments and data." Scroll down past the segments and subscriber data sessions and you can edit info there! It should auto save.
