Becky Urban

Airdrie, Canada


Jun 01 at 08:07 PM

Fellow studio owners, I have a question/interesting situation. We are located in a smaller city with one other group fitness studio like us, the rest are the big city rec center, a boxing gym and an F45. The other group fitness place is going through some stuff, there are rumours of rent not being paid, midnight moves, police, lawyers, etc. Not really the point. My question to you all, if they do close, is there a classy, tasteful way to say to their clients “come on over to us”? Also, would you offer them some type of deal? I obviously don’t want to upset our current members by offering some amazing deal or anything. We are also already priced slightly lower than that other place as well

Thanks for any insight


May 20 at 10:42 PM

This sounds amazing!
