Mandee |@santoshapilates

Portland, OR, United States

Jun 30 at 10:01 AM

Check out Paloma & Dani program. They literally have a brain reorganization program and resources that will help so much!

Jun 06 at 10:07 AM

I have worked on a variety of equipment as well. I have Stott at my studio and yes it’s beautiful I have seen it hold up for going on maybe 15-20 years now at other studios- some of my students bought those used machines when the studio upgraded to the new models and they are still in great shape years later. I have also used the wooden balance body (not the allegro you mentioned) for many years and it is also great quality but can’t speak to the longevity as much (although I would be surprised if it didn’t last as long as it’s very sturdy). I agree with you about Gratz and it feels very industrial to me and less comfortable for many bodies.


May 31 at 05:28 PM

Is it next week!? I have it down for June 27th!!

May 23 at 12:05 AM

Yes please everyone chime in I am curious too!


May 22 at 04:47 PM

You have to spend money to make money so I wouldn’t be too afraid of transaction fees. I remember Alexa talking me through this! The monthly cost on arketa is actually much less than other platforms- remember when we were sitting around the pool on the retreat and everyone shared what they paid and arketa was so much lower than everything else? It also has the features you’re looking for with on demand video, a place for memberships and courses, as well as 1:1 and all that all in one place. I hadn’t see anything and I looked and looked! but hopeful this thread will share if there is! It’s only $29/month plus fees and with a smaller studio like ours a lower overall cost ends up being less with the amount of revenue going through even if the fees ‘appears’ more in your mind. It’s made up in that lower monthly cost and comparative to what our revenue is. I had done the math before but it really confirmed it for me when we all talked on the retreat and I heard the monthly costs.

May 20 at 11:34 PM

Welcome!! What a great business! So needed!
