
Tampa, FL, United States

Jul 04 at 01:42 PM

I also have Philadelphia. They cover virtual training but I had to pay extra for coverage with on-demand classes where I’m not present.


Jul 01 at 05:59 PM

I have a STOTT reformer and love it! It holds up really well. The studio where I worked had equipment 20 yesrs old and it looks brand new!


Jul 01 at 01:24 PM

Hi Melyssa ! So I just started using trello, which is free, to keep me organized on all of my different tasks. I made a project board specific for my blog post ideas, instead of having them all in a word document. And you can divide the blog posts up by category. And then if you’re in the middle of working on them, you can move them to an in progress column category and then a final editing stage column. Omg it’s been so helpful bc I get so distracted by all of my ideas. When I was going through all of my word documents, I realized I had 12 half written blogs that I just need to sit down and finish 😂 I can totally show you how I organized it if you want!

May 24 at 10:04 AM

Nicole Raglin I know! Are you planning to switch?

May 22 at 10:55 PM

Thanks Mandee! Offering tree has the same features and included the on demand library so I was wondering if anyone had good things to say about it.

May 22 at 10:40 PM

Hi Alexa! Thanks for answering! Good to know about offering tree not being run well on the back end!

My problems with pocketsuite.

1. It has a lot of glitches in the tech and I’ve told them about it and they haven’t done anything. One big issue I had- an instructor student was unable to access her account bc she lives in the Bahamas and doesn’t have a US phone number. You don’t make an account with pocketsuite with an email and password. You get in with your cell# and They text you a code and that’s how you get into your account. Very inconvenient. But anyway it’s been 3 months and she still can’t get in. So we just text to schedule. Its been working fine, but still I feel terrible.

2. they’ve been telling me since I’ve signed up over 3 years ago that a zapier integration is coming soon and I just asked again and they now told me it would be another year.

3. I can’t customize any of my automatic emails and there’s no way to preview what the emails say.

4. I can’t give out promo codes if I wanted to run a special promotion.

So that’s a few of the reasons. 😳 but it’s great that I can text in the app and people can esign their waivers. But my main problem is I don’t feel confident having people who don’t know me use pocketsuite to schedule their sessions. It gives me anxiety lol. I don’t want people to have a bad exeperience!

I do mostly 1:1s, and a few groups. And am working on a video library, but I’m not opposed to having my scheduler and my library separate. I’ve always heard great things about uscreen and planned to use them when I got to this point in my business unless I found a better option. Just trying to figure out what makes the most sense!

May 21 at 10:36 PM

Welcome Jill! Your business sounds amazing! 💜
