Melyssa | @melyssa_with_a_why

Orlando, FL, United States

Double board-certified lifestyle medicine coach | Size inclusive fitness specialist | Author, Healthy Living Doesn't Have to SUCK!

Sep 02 at 09:25 AM

In hindsight - I wish I would’ve recommended Free Time by Jenny Blake instead!!! Same key points and takeaways, but more fun and flowly and less gritty/masculine than Traction (although I do love using the EOS One platform for business management!)


Sep 02 at 09:23 AM

Okay I may be tardy to the party…but I had no idea that Spotify Premium has an audiobook selection!!! 🤯 And Mind Magic is in there!


Aug 26 at 08:54 AM

Thank you for this message to start off today and this week! 💜I’m looking forward to the facilitating the first webinar for one of my veterinary corporate clients on Wednesday! 👩🏻‍💻

Aug 19 at 09:58 AM


Hey Mandee |@santoshapilates! I have mine set to create a new row each time there's a post - it does look like if you add a place for a Timestamp of the post you can add it in based on what I just pulled up! My guess is you need to have it set up in the rows though so the data can map out to the columns?? Maybe?!

Right?!? I was absolutely gutted that those were the top searches for me…! 🫠


She was one of my podcast guests!!!

Jul 17 at 12:40 PM

I’m going to shamelessly plug my podcast and book, Healthy Living Doesn’t Have to SUCK! 😉 Audiobook is coming this fall!


Jul 11 at 02:49 PM

GET OUT!!! I am the one who suggested the video in the forms feature! 🤩🤩🤩


Jul 10 at 02:22 PM

Just followed you! I’d love to chat with you about being a guest speaker for my membership - body image and relationship to self have been big topic requests!!!

Jul 10 at 02:19 PM

I just updated my handle too Mandee!!!