June 13

Just wanted to share a creative idea from a friend of mine who is an acupuncturist, but may be applicable to other one-on-one service providers dealing with the summer slump and lots of cancellations.

Here's the language from her email:

Summer schedules can often be hectic, and it may be difficult to predict when you're available. At the same time, I often have last-minute cancellations! So, I am going to try out something new this summer: Same Day Sliding Scale Appointments. Here's how it will work:

  • If you're interested in being notified when there are appointments available, click here to sign up for the mailing list.

  • I will send out emails to this mailing list either the afternoon before or the morning of the appointments that are available. I may also let people know if there is an appointment later in the week that has recently become available.

  • If one of the time(s) works well for you, you will respond back to the email and let me know which time(s) you would like.

  • I will respond to your email to either confirm the appointment is reserved for you, or to let you know it was taken by someone else. Appointments are first-come-first-served and are not reserved until confirmed.

  • At your appointment, you are invited to use the sliding scale (more info on the sign-up page!) as needed to pay for your appointment. You'll just tell me what to charge to your card at the end of your appointment.

*She went on to note these are just for current clients, still subject to cancellation charges, etc.