August 12

Hi, friends! I’d love your input on our current situation!

Two years ago, I signed up with Momence because they gave me a great deal and it supported by in-person training business.

Now, we are expanding to digital. And from my research and some of your advice, I’ve concluded that Momence isn’t going to support us in our long-term goals for digital. However, we’ll still need a booking software to support in-person privates and events.

That being said - we’ve done demos with Both Uscreen + Recess. The main pull to recess is that it could support both the in-person + online goals. But Uscreen seems to have the digital experience nailed down a bit more.

Would love anyone’s opinion that’s worked with these softwares!! Or if you have other software recommendations - open to those too

Thanks! 😊🫶

ps. Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness would really love to learn a little about your experience with Uscreen so far + Jenn I noticed you used Recess in the past for digital so would love to hear from you too! 💗