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I AM DYING!!! šŸ¤£šŸ«£šŸ¤Ŗ So I just went back to the SEO Optimization webinar and finally went through to Google Search Console for the first timeā€¦yall, I am SHOOK with some of the keywords that people are finding me throughā€¦! šŸ‘€ Iā€™m preeeeeetty sure my ideal clients arenā€™t searching ā€œhard f*ckingā€ or ā€œf*cking hardā€ or ā€œmelysexymamyā€ and I am BAFFLED because I donā€™t say those anywhere on my website and the only time I do say things are ā€œf*cking hardā€ is in my podcasts - but the transcripts arenā€™t uploaded to my show notes pages and I donā€™t have that anywhere in my show notes!!! šŸ«  Just sharing this as a PSA that itā€™s worth revisiting the SEO module and looking into where youā€™re popping up in peopleā€™s searchesā€¦ šŸ˜‚

July 15

While we don't encourage phones during class, we do allow people to prop their phones up and video the class in time lapse mode. With our chromatherapy and vibe, it always comes out looking spectacular and the client posts it on social. We always repost.

In part, we allow because of the nature of our studio - no mirrors, colored lights and machines - so people can share the experience. Also because it is in time lapse, it really doesn't show anyone individually (except the person filming is a little more spotlighted).

We recently had a woman complain as follows:

"Hello! Last time I was in class, someone next to me set their phone up to record her whole workout. The phone was placed on the floor against the wall, and I was clearly in the video as well just by proximity. I have to say it made me extremely uncomfortable. I really donā€™t like the feeling of being recorded while working out, feels like a violation of privacy and just a layer of stressā€¦which is tough because I go there to de-stress and focus on wellness! Sure, I could say something but I am hoping there is some kind of policy in place? Let me know. Appreciate your help with this. I would like to keep coming to class and be comfortable doing so!"

I need your advice here. On one hand, I totally get it (and maybe others feel this way but haven't expressed it), but on the other hand, when it's time lapsed and creative, it really helps the marketing of the studio with the client sharing it.Ā 

Influencers versus privacy. Help!

July 16

Anyone have a pretty way of organizing their data on Google Sheets? Iā€™m curious how others format their sheetsā€¦. As this is just not appealing to me. šŸ¤£

July 11

I hope this isn't rambling. But something Alexa said resonated with me. About her trip to Nespresso where they offered to buy 5 sleeves of coffee and give her 2...this is far more attractive than if they did the math of what that actual % is...people just don't think like that. Ok so if you are with me this far. As part of a corporate franchise we do 3 sales a year: summer, winter and our anniversary. The guidance for an annual paid in full membership is 20% off our HIGHEST rate. Note: a lot of us have discounts for 6 month contracts when they lock in for 6 months but can still pay monthly. It seems we need to be taking discounts off our 6 month rate because why would anyone lock into a year of something, giving over $1k up front to get a savings of barely one month for free (going back to the original Nespresso example). I'd love to be able to use the Nespresso wording because I think it gets people over the line with that verbiage but not if the discount is worth it. So my question is - what do you do for paid in full memberships? I've already had too much coffee I think ;)Ā 


Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusinessĀ have you seen the new zoom feature where you can personalize the waiting room?!? feels like an opportunity for branding and hospitality!Ā 

July 12

Hey! I know that some people mentioned speaking as part of their Q3 goalsā€¦ curious is anyone has recommended resources etc for pitching to conferences/companies etc. even like speaking coaches? Thanks in advance!

July 13

Does anyone like really enjoy coming up with swag/gift ideas? Iā€™d love to do a hat like Alexaā€™s but it is not my strength to think about what to put on it ā€” so if any of you LOVE coming up w those ideas, lemme know.
Happy to offer support in return in another area to you!!

July 12

Updating CRM emails:
Is it better to update in the scheduling system or using Zaps and email? For example, with a membership cancellation the email can be updated email in Arketa or I could create an email sequence with ConvertKit. I donā€™t want clients to get too many emails and know it would look better through my email provider (plus have the potential for a win back)

July 09
ā€¢ Edited (Jul 09, 2024)

Rogue Riders šŸ˜‘ does anyone have participants that blatantly do their own thing? I have a few, but one girl in particular sits in the front row as close to me as she can and literally ignores all my tempo, lead leg, and resistance cues and basically does her own class, despite my attempts to bring her into the pack.
Or will use a 20 lb db when Iā€™m teaching Pilates core, and verbally cue NO WEIGHTS. šŸ™„ It feels like a big middle finger and is distracting and confusing for other riders.
I would like to implement a ā€œride in the back if you want to go rogueā€ rule šŸ˜‚ if anyone has experience or solutions / verbiage surrounding this, I would love to hear it šŸ™


Hey guys!! I know some of you are having trouble with the switch from the old calendar (addevent) to the new one (in the app/new member portal). I made this super quick video to show how to use the new one if you haven't been seeing the calls on your calendar, etc. LMK if you still have questions!Ā