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August 07

Hi! For those of you who have it set that clients pay card fees. How do you answer someone who wants to pay cash or check and avoid the fees? I don’t mind a few cash/check but that’s more work for me if it becomes a trend. Thanks!

August 11

Hi! Can anyone help me figure out why i cant get my flodesk form to have a link that works?
So i juat set up flodesk and I verified a domain. But im trying to create a waitliat form to send out. Hoping my home pilates space is done soon but think this is a good way to to if i can gain some interest.
What should i be putting when it asks for name and email from sender? It wont take my gmail. And it wont take the flodesk one?
It says gmail isnt verifed.
Sorry so confusing.😂

August 12

I have a studio in New Orleans. I currently use Vagaro and am realizing that it’s limited in automation. I’ve had a demo with momence, which is so much more expensive than what I’m paying now. I wanted to ask if y’all could give me thoughts on momence vs arketa vs Mariana tek please? I’m also wondering if momence is the most expensive of the three? Thank you so much!

August 06

Has anyone done a BINGO type challenge? Thinking of doing this for fall and looking for inspo!


Boston fam: Would you be around for a little mini meet up? Either dinner Sunday Aug 11 or maybe a workout & breakfast Monday aug 12? LMK! Tagging those I know are in boston but everyone is welcome!! 

Jaclyn bostonbodypilatesbelmont

Rachel Lee

Gabriella Mira

Sarah Rapaport

Katie Cormier

Jillian Rothenberg

July 28

Hi all, I need guidance on how you would handle this..
We have a newer client that loves to wear extremely short/loose shorts so when doing feet in straps or happy baby, etc., you can literally see everything but vagina 🙈 I’ve only had one client mention something to me but I have an instructor who keeps bringing it up to me. I am not one to pull someone aside and talk about what they are wearing, so I’m leaning towards posting something on social/our announcement board in our booking app, but making it funny. Idk. How would you handle this?! Help please 😅

August 06

Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness is there a way to customize a link in Flodesk so clients don’t see this generic image when sending a link?


Hi everyone! I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on how to contact Google about an inappropriate review on their Google Business page. I am almost embarrassed writing this, but there's a person from another dance studio in the area that has been making fake accounts on Google and leaving me 1-star reviews with false accusations. It's kind of crazy and highly inappropriate, as this person has never been a client of mine, they are just upset we opened a studio. I have addressed the accusations in my replies, but she has not stopped. I've tried to report the reviews multiple times, but it has not been removed. Is there any other way to contact Google? Any advice is helpful. I take my reviews very seriously! Thank you 🥹


hi friends!! Does anyone have a good Kajabi-specific designer or developer? A client has a website about 90% done and her designer has gone MIA lol

GUYS! I'm on the FloDesk partner call right now and HUGEEE things are coming - four additions that are SO so exciting. Think tag someone who clicks in all emails, not just workflows, countdowns on forms, videos in your forms, and more. CANNOT wait. I'll do a Loom video when everything launches, as they launch, since there's diff rollout dates!!