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June 13

Just wanted to share a creative idea from a friend of mine who is an acupuncturist, but may be applicable to other one-on-one service providers dealing with the summer slump and lots of cancellations.

Here's the language from her email:

Summer schedules can often be hectic, and it may be difficult to predict when you're available. At the same time, I often have last-minute cancellations! So, I am going to try out something new this summer: Same Day Sliding Scale Appointments. Here's how it will work:

  • If you're interested in being notified when there are appointments available, click here to sign up for the mailing list.

  • I will send out emails to this mailing list either the afternoon before or the morning of the appointments that are available. I may also let people know if there is an appointment later in the week that has recently become available.

  • If one of the time(s) works well for you, you will respond back to the email and let me know which time(s) you would like.

  • I will respond to your email to either confirm the appointment is reserved for you, or to let you know it was taken by someone else. Appointments are first-come-first-served and are not reserved until confirmed.

  • At your appointment, you are invited to use the sliding scale (more info on the sign-up page!) as needed to pay for your appointment. You'll just tell me what to charge to your card at the end of your appointment.

*She went on to note these are just for current clients, still subject to cancellation charges, etc. 

Just want to give a shoutout to this amazing community that Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness has created!!! 💜 A while back I asked about someone who could speak to my membership about hormone health, and Rachel Lee came HIGHLY recommended! 🤩 After a brainstorming call we decided to turn this into a collaborative workshop and I am SO FREAKING PUMPED!!! Wanted to share the link here and our friends and family discount code SAVE5 in case anyone here would like to join for this special event! 🥳

June 07

Hey everyone - reposting this here because I posted on slack around the day we transitioned to the app 😅

If you’re part of TFSM you may remember the strengths workshop I did in 2023.. (if not - go check it out!). Well, I'm piloting a new offering based on that workshop with small business owners specifically in mind - the Strengths & Strategy Container!

This is perfect if you did the workshop (or want to!) and have found that after the initial inspiration & energy surrounding strengths faded — you weren’t really sure what to do next, and you feel like you could move further, faster, with less resistance if you had some help understanding your individual strengths more deeply, and more structure for how to turn your strengths into action for your life & business.

This offering is an opportunity to connect quarterly to review your individual strengths, identify where your need support, set goals, and build strategies for success.

If this sounds interesting to you, I have a few spots open starting this month at a discounted price for the pilot! My discovery calls are free and my calendar is open to see if it's a good fit. If you want some more background/details you can check out this email I sent to my list in May - or message me with questions!

Email -

Schedule discovery call -

The Details: 
12 Month Container with deep dive sessions on strengths & intentional goals to kick-off, and 2-3hr sessions quarterly to check-in and improve goals, actions and intentions. 
Session Breakdown: 
- Whole Human Strengths Session [Kick-off]: Review of your CliftonStrengths® 34 Report, Deep dive into your strengths, how they show up for you, and understanding how to lean into & support your strengths over time. 

- Intentional Goal Setting Session: Setting Intentions and goals for the coming year, broken down by quarters and into intentional actions based on your strengths. 

- Quarterly Deep Dive Check-in's: Review Progress to Goals, modify goals as necessary, review current challenges and barriers and understand how strengths can support and improve your outcomes.


studio owners! have you found a quality wholesale athletic brand that you brand? looking for partners other than Lulu for branded retail.  thank you!



The PDF of the training yesterday client recognition is showing blank on my end could you forward the PDF I love to print them as I watch!

Thank you,

June 10

Nothing like gatekeeping news to make people sign up for an email list! 😎

June 11

Is anyone else doing The Rise of the Digital CEO training with James Wedmore this week? I am! He mentioned Elizabeth McCravy as a launch example today and I was like... "I know that name!" 😍

Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness can you add me to the Vagaro channel? On my list to switch off it 😬 but for now.... thanks!


YOUR BUSINESS IS A PARTY 🎉🎵🎂 (training tomorrow!)

As we start our month of client appreciation in tomorrow's main training, something I'd love us all to start thinking about is how we're leaning in to our business as a party. Hear me out -- there are some parties that you cannot wait to get invited to again, and there are some that you keep glancing at your watch, wondering when it's acceptable to leave... fantasizing about crawling out the window before you have to make small talk with one.more.person. 

Your retention rates are the biggest indicator of your business's health - and how fun your party really is. Fun = effective, warm, inviting, easy to navigate, easy to book, happy to return. 

Client recognition is a huge component to retention, and tomorrow we'll focus on:

  • Early client milestones

  • Loyal client milestones

  • community enrollment to help you reach new clients, encourage higher frequency, and feel truly at ease and stable in your business. 

Tomorrow's call is right here. Can't wait to see you!! 


For those who do sliding scale pricing, stripe now has that option!