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Social Media Plan Add-On Update 🤳

The fact that I thought I could do literally anything low-key is hilarious. I literally planned this as like, cool, I'll send a simple flodesk email with high-converting prompts each month. Then I started planning the prompts, and realizing what I truly love is workshopping the prompts for all of your different businesses, workshopping the captions, and low and behold, the social media add on is now a monthly deck delivery, a pre-recorded loom video of me going through each one, linked examples from public & from members, and more. 

Anyway... if you opted in, you'll see the bundle in your app tomorrow, and you'll get the email with the 10 bonus evergreen prompts! I decided I'm going to use these 10 for June and see what happens :) Join me!! Here's an example for everyone so you can see a little of what the monthly delivery will be like. 

If you sent me an email that you'd like to add this on to your membership, I got you! I'll update your subscriptions tomorrow! If you're monthly, you'll see the charge on your next bill. Instead of $58, it'll be $98. If you're annual and selected annual, it'll charge as a separate $400 charge (2 months complimentary)! Yes, you can take off the social add-on at any point and remain with your membership in tact!

June 11

Hi community!
Need a little sounding board on how studio owners feel or handle cell phones in studio during class, videos etc….

I’ve kind of made up my decision- just curious on thoughts feedback. Lately it’s been a little out of control of students posting videos etc during a class and distracting. However the promotion is great on social-
I’m feeling it’s too much. And studio space should be free of phone to unplug.

However teacher staff can post pics videos “take” if able? Long rant over


Alexa C. | @alexagrowmybusiness your reputation seriously proceeds you! I met a gym owner at our church VBS today and he knew I worked with you!! He saw you speak at something and somehow saw the connection. Just here to say you are amazing and people see it even if they aren’t in this membership!!!

MON Sept 30, 10:00am EST
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July 11, 11:30am EST
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July 11, 5:00pm EST
11 %
27 votes

Hey guys! Question about email marketing, I've been renting a virtual p.o. box the past year to be compliant with the spam laws which require you to include a physical address in the footer of your emails. Since I'm an online business I don't have a brick & mortar location, & I'm not a fan of putting my home address out into the world - hello stranger danger! Alexa I noticed in your flodesk emails your footer just has your city, state & zip listed, is that enough to be compliant with the spam rules? If so I'd be totally down with doing that & ditching the p.o. box. Has anyone else had experience with this? Thanks in advance!